Case Study
P&A Group
The P&A Group Of Companies was established in 1985 as a manufacturer of timber pallets and packing cases. They have since grown into a successful, multi-divisional organisation offering a range of services to garden centres, major purchasing groups and large e-commerce retailers across UK. This resulted in higher interaction within online portals and increased the time to manually process sales orders through SAP. They found themselves less efficient in business processes causing an increase in administration resource.
Pro Outsourcing were contracted to provide a part funded work package via European Regional Development fund. We reviewed the SAP work flow to understand the efficiency gaps, evaluated the various solutions, performed an RFQ process, negotiated the best outcome. We then awarded and project managed an integrated cloud based EDI platform that connects and automates vital business processes.
Connecting customers and suppliers through an end to end solution that is stable, scalable and secure using a proven SaaS platform.
This automated sales order input, invoice advice & courier bookings. Saving over 100 hours of adminstration resource per week gave P & A group the flexibility to manage growth in other business areas.

“…P & A is a Top 1,000 UK growth company in 2017 & 18, (Top 20 in Wales) and operates in several seasonal markets with constantly changing variables. This puts constant pressure on our supply chain and distribution functions to be handling ever increasing volumes. Pro Outsourcing reviewed our current ICT to improve efficiency by integrating the order processes. We have seen an immediate increase in the speed with which we process tasks as well as an increase in our capacity to do so. Costs to process sales orders have decreased considerably, and we have freed up staff time to have meaningful conversations with customers instead of simply processing orders. We are confident that this will lead to more satisfied customers and hopefully further growth....”

Wyn Jones
Strategic Development Manager